70's Groovy Element Lined

Priceless style on a thrift store budget

~ the home decor edition

How to find personalized home decor without maxing out your credit cards. Learn how to shop secondhand - saving you money and skyrocketting your joy.

www angelamorrisoncreative com
Gold Sparkling Stars

Does your home decor reflect your personality? Or is it random stuff you pick up during Target trips that is cute but kinda meh, and you’ve since realized that your neighbour's decor is pretty much identical (obviously she loves good sales too)?

Here’s the thing.

You and your neighbour? Two very different people; both fabulous but each unique. Since your home is

  • your sanctuary
  • your happy place
  • your landing pad

it gets to be full of things you love that totally fit your vibe - without maxing out your credit cards.

70's Groovy Element Lined
70's Groovy Element Lined
70's Groovy Element Lined
70's Groovy Element Lined
70's Groovy Element Lined
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Hi, I'm Angela

I love thrifting, and I think it's one of the easiest, funnest* ways to create a space that's as unique as you are.

(*yes, I realize funnest isn't a word. But I think it fits!)

You might be thinking -

“Girl, I’m not interested in spending half my paycheque on fancy home decor”

I get it. I don’t either! This is the secret - go thrifting (yep, it’s a verb now, not just a store)

This is how you can outfit your home with treasures and still afford to eat. How you create a space so “you” that every time you walk into your home

it greets you with a bear hug, then pinches your cheek and tells you how darn awesome you are.

You need:

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It seems like everywhere you look, influencers are persuading the masses toward the next cool thing, and stores are advertising trendy new styles to entice you to buy and to keep up with the Jones.

It’s not by accident - commercialism is all around us, and that’s fine, it keeps the economy going. But it’s important to know that you have a choice.

You don’t have to buy what everyone else is buying or want the new thing that everyone is supposed to want. You’re fabulously you, with your own style, and you can express that in all its glory.

This workshop will catapult you to thrift store superstar status. Once you start implementing what you learn, you’ll be surrounded by home decor you absolutely love with money left over for fun stuff - taking the kids to the waterpark or -*gasp*- splurging on the name-brand ice cream.

Summer Ice cream bar buffet
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You’ll learn:

Preparing for thrift shopping - what to bring, what to wear

What to do when you get there

Tips for shopping

What to do with your haul when you bring it home *this may or may not include hiding it from your hubby LOL

This is it

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Priceless style on a thrift store budget



In this easy-to-digest presentation you'll get pro tips from a thrifter from waaaayyy back (that's me!)

I've been shopping secondhand for as long as I can remember. If you haven't discovered how much fun it can be, I can help! Even if you are a seasoned shopper, there are still tips you can use to up your game.

There are no worksheets to fill out or complicated questions to answer, this is just a simple summer video to watch and - most importantly - take action on. Feel free to take notes so you remember tips that haven't yet become second nature, but do it on whatever device or scrap paper you feel most comfortable with.

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Send it my way!

www angelamorrisoncreative com
Gold Sparkling Stars

This is the unique kind of decorating that can't be bought in stores.

It's original, and perfectly suited to you, because YOU curate it.

What could be more fun?!

Remember, the whole point here is to make your space a reflection of your personality.

So go ahead, honour your you-ness and go thrifting for perfectly perfect-for-you treasures!

70's Groovy Element Lined
70's Groovy Element Lined
70's Groovy Element Lined
70's Groovy Element Lined
70's Groovy Element Lined